
The thing we humans build...

When I was 3 years old, we moved to a little town in Colombia called Guatavita, The town was built in 1593. I should say that prior to that it was a Native Colombian village dating back several hundred years. My mother was the Post Office Mistress and the post office was located in a house built in the 1800’s. It was a fantastic place with two courtyards and a bust of the builders wife in one of the courtyards.

It would be many years before I would would understand what a lucky moment my life would give to me. It was architecture, a building that someone built in the style of early Spanish home architecture. As I grow older I like to pretend that I understand the value of artistic expression in the utility of the buildings we humans build. Oh how I wish that I had a camera back then to capture the eyes of the bust of the woman in the first courtyard. She stared and followed us running wild through her garden!